Articles by Jim Boynton

  • Aunt Sally & Uncle Bob

    - 10 years ago - 1 comment
    'Take that!'
    Who here doesn't have relatives who don't get along with each other. Every wedding or family reunion results in different family members having to be seated so as not to come in contact with someone else. In my family it was my two Grandmothers. My dads mom was the perfect example of a proper English lady while my moms mom was a tough woman with little schooling and a hard life working since she was 14 who could make a sailor blush. I learned most of my bad language and dirty jokes from her.…

  • R.I.P. Mr. Mandela

    - 06 Dec 2013 - 1 comment
    You have left shoes that may never be filled again. You will be missed. God Bless You!

  • A New Name On An Anniversary

    - 17 Nov 2013 - 2 comments
    My gateway to the wonders of the web...the PsVita home page.

  • My new pet.

    - 07 Sep 2013 - 4 comments
    IMG 2765
    He's a little shy and likes to hide behind the tv, but perhaps you can make him out...I think we will call him WiFi. Yep, I have finally joined the 20th century (or 21st...I always mix that up) and got home internet. I got my first internet compatible computer (not counting my PsVita) this January. It's a laptop since I wanted something I could take with me to WiFi hotspots, but never got comfy with the idea of doing just that. Without home internet I was severely limited in my online time…

  • Warning! New Toy! New Content!

    - 29 Jul 2013 - 2 comments
    I just got my first DSLR...a Canon EOS Rebel T3 and I have so far been having a lot of fun with it. I know that those of you who have been following me these past 8 months are used to seeing mainly photos of my children. Don't worry...I have not forgotten them, but I feel that I am quite comfortable taking photos of them and wish to practice on other subjects for a time. Please don't give up on me! I promise to provide lots of cat photos soon. And I will try to utilize the note and comment photo…

  • My heart is filled with sadness.

    - 02 Jul 2013 - 1 comment
    I have just learned of the deaths of 19 firefighters in Arizona. The worst loss of life since 9/11 for these brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe. I cannot comprehend the devastating loss the community of Prescott is feeling at this time. I only hope that the wildfire they were fighting was caused by natural elements and not by the hand of man for that would truly be unbearable. I had planned to go down to the lake to celebrate Canada Day tonight, but…

  • A prayer for Mr. Mandela

    - 11 Jun 2013 - 3 comments
    I do not put many historical figures on a pedestal since almost everyone also has serious flaws as well, but along with Lincoln, Churchill, Ghandi, Kennedy, Mother Theresa and a few others, I adore & admire Nelson Mandela. I will not list all his accomplishments here for there are too many, but like those I have mentioned above he will go down in history as one of the great leaders humanity has produced. I fear his days are ending and although I am not a particularly religious man I just w…

  • One Week Later

    - 30 May 2013 - 1 comment
    Well a week has now passed since I came to visit ipernity amidst the tumoil I found on flickr. Time does fly. I thought I would give my impressions of my new home so far and have a last rant about flickr before I vow to never mention it here again...I'm sure most of you are sick of the constant rehashing of a site we once loved so much. My first thought about ipernity was how nice it looked especially after what had just assaulted my senses mere minutes earlier. The white background, each pho…

  • Help & Tips for Newcomers

    - 26 May 2013 - 2 comments
    I thought I would share a little of what I have learned these past few days. You may have already discovered them yourselves but I wish I had known ahead of time. Tips on making your account look how you want it to. All done by clicking on 'customize your homepage' on your homepage above your photo. 1. You can keep your flickr screen name if you wish and also have the option to reveal what personal info you reveal and to what level of contacts. (Profile & Privacy) 2. You can not only add…

  • A thank-you to the ipernity team.

    - 24 May 2013 - 2 comments
    I was just perusing the ipernity blog and was shocked to discover that there are only 7 employees here. If you check the site blog out you will see them time and again answering inquiries and giving advice with the help of, I guess, some longtime users since their names pop up constantly. It reminds me of Wes and others on the flickr HF. So with this in mind (7 employees!!!) I would like to thank Team ipernity for welcoming us flickr refugees with open arms and for doing what flickr no longer…

  • Screen names can be used here too.

    - 22 May 2013
    Just thought I would point out that you can use a screen name of your choosing ie: WJB1961 as long as it is in good taste of course. You DO NOT have to ever show your real name or birthdate if you don't want to. You can change this in your account settings. I have it set to show my name and birthdate (no big secret there) to contacts only, keeping my screen name to make it easier for Flickr contacts to find me.

  • What happened to flickr?

    - 21 May 2013 - 2 comments
    My first day here since flickr drastically changed their layout. So far I am quite impressed with the ease of use and the great, speedy uploader. Will still remain on flickr since it has given me great enjoyment these past few months, but I like to have a back-up plan. Looking forward to making new contacts and sharing our views on life.